Dress: Dress: Futurist Mesh Dress from ARISKEA (Creator: Diaxm) at SHE & HIM - Coming Soon!!
TKS Diaxm:)
Skin: Sandra from {Meghindo's} (Creator: (meghindo romano)
Shape: My own
Eyes: Lucid Eyes - Optimism from IKON (Creator: Ikon Innovia)
Makeup: Catwalk Lines from BlackLiquid (Creator: blackLiquid Tokyoska) at Cosmetic Fair Summer Editon
Makeup2: Cat Liner - 009- Hardcore Cat from cStar Limited (Creator: cStarLimited) at Cosmetic Fair Summer Editon
Eyelashes: Shaped Eyelashes from {Meghindo's} (Creator: meghindo romano)
Hair: Jolene from Truth Hair (Creator; Truth Hawks)
Earrings and Bracelet: Kate Collection from J and W Jeweler (Not sure where i got these:( sorry it was in my inventory for a long time)
Watch and some bracelet on my Left arm are from [F]oil called Twist Jades & Stubs Watch and Bracelet Set (Creator; Mrforever)
Tattoos: Fullyflower from Your cocain Marketplace (Creator: Shiana Deed)
Shoes: ERA Hight Heels Silver from TARAshoes